Did Self-Help Guru Tony Robbins Use His Bodyguards to Recruit Women for Sex?

Tony Robbins is accused of sexual misconduct in a BuzzFeed report.
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Tony Robbins is denying allegations of sexual misconduct contained in a new BuzzFeed report.

Self-help guru Tony Robbins is coming under fire, facing allegations of sexual misconduct in an explosive new BuzzFeed report.

The website reports that some former employees are claiming the 59-year-old made "inappropriate sexual advances." In addition, a leaked recording from a seminar last December purports to have captured Robbins berating a woman in the audience who was the alleged victim of domestic violence. 

According to BuzzFeed's Katie Baker and Jane Bradley, Robbins had a female assistant work in his hotel room when he was naked or in the shower. 

"One woman said that she was in his room one day in the hotel room when he dropped his towel in front of her and that he expected her to take notes when he was in the shower," Baker told Inside Edition. "And it was very upsetting to her and she fled the room crying."

The site also claims that before he got married to his second wife, Robbins would send bodyguards into the audience at his self-help seminars to recruit women to visit his hotel room. 

Robbins denies the BuzzFeed allegations. 

"I have never behaved in the reckless, irresponsible or malicious manner intimated by false, unfounded and incendiary allegations suggested by BuzzFeed storytellers," he said in a statement. 

Robbins, who has built a multimillion-dollar motivational empire, is famous for his unorthodox techniques. His stable of celebrity clients includes Hugh Jackman, Serena Williams and Oprah Winfrey