
Dozens of German Priests Will Publicly Bless Same-Sex Couples as Services Are Live-Streamed Nationwide

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Dozens of priests in Germany vowed to denounce the Vatican, stating that “we raise our voices and say: We will continue to accompany people who enter into a binding partnership in the future and bless their relationship," the group said in a statement.

A group of German Catholic priests are planning to publicly bless same-sex couples across the country on Monday, with many set to live-stream the blessing online. The plan is in complete opposition to the Vatican's decree in March stating that the Catholic Church will not bless same-sex unions because God “does not and cannot bless sin,” according to a statement made by the Vatican that was approved by Pope Francis.

In response, more than 230 professors of Catholic theology in Germany – and other countries where German is spoken – signed a statement protesting the decision, according to a previously reported story in the Associated Press.

The group proclaimed, in the statement, that the decree "is marked by a paternalistic air of superiority and discriminates against homosexual people and their life plans,” CBS News reported. 

Dozens of priests in Germany have vowed to denounce the Vatican, stating that “we raise our voices and say: We will continue to accompany people who enter into a binding partnership in the future and bless their relationship," the group said in a statement.

The church's official stance remains that homosexual acts are "intrinsically disordered," and Francis' endorsement was in reference to the civil sphere and not within the church, the Associated Press reported.

The decree was a blow to the LGBTQ community, which had held out hope for progress under Pope Francis, CBS reported.

The event will take place on or around May 10, at various churches nationwide. The list that was compiled by a group of priests asks: “Do you celebrate too?” Then enter your service on the list.  

To share in the celebration, many of the church services will be live-streamed.

One of the participating churches said they plan to hang a banner above the main entrance of the church that reads: "You love each other? We bless you!”

Catholic teaching holds that marriage, a lifelong union between a man and woman, is part of God's plan and is intended for the sake of creating new life, CBS News reported. While the Vatican holds that gay people must be treated with dignity and respect and can be blessed, it claims gay sex is "intrinsically disordered.”

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