Environmental Activists Wear Fake Fish Heads and Fake Blood to Climate Change Summit in Glasgow

Glasgow is hosting COP26, the United Nations' climate change summit. The fishy activists want to make sure delegates at the conference don't neglect the crucial links between the oceans and climate change. 

Environmental activists with the group Ocean Rebellion donned fake fish heads and — thankfully — fake blood. The setting? By Glasgow's River Clyde, whose actual fish inhabitants must have been somewhat confused.

Glasgow is hosting COP26, the United Nations' climate change summit. The fishy activists want to make sure delegates at the conference don't neglect the crucial links between the oceans and climate change. 

The activists were joined by Laura Baldwin, an Olympic sailor.

"Oceans need to be way up on their agenda," Baldwin told reporters. "It covers 70 percent of our ocean [planet] and provides 50 to 80 percent of the oxygen that we breathe, so it's vitally important, and our oceans are at crisis point."

Baldwin also added some specific points about commercial fishing.

"Delegates at COP, please respect our oceans, ban bottom-trawling, and sort out the certification of what's sustainable and what's not in our shops."

Scientists say sustainably managing the oceans is vital to managing the earth's climate.

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