Father of Parkland Shooting Victim Said He Doesn't Want Cruz's Inheritance Money

He said he wants ten minutes alone in a room with him instead.

The father of a teen killed during the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School said he doesn’t want Nikolas Cruz’s money, he wants “10 minutes” alone with him.

Andrew Pollack, whose daughter, Meadow, was killed Cruz opened fire inside the school on Valentine's Day, killing 17, made the statement after Cruz’s lawyers announced last week that the 19-year-old wanted his inheritance to go to healing the victims’ families.

"Whatever money he is entitled to, he does not want that money,” defense attorney Melisa McNeill said earlier this week. "He would like that money donated to an organization that the victims' family believes would be able to facilitate healing in our community or an opportunity to educate our community.”

Court records from his late mother’s probate case show Nikolas Cruz stands to receive $25,000 from a life insurance policy and up to $800,000 more from her estate, the Sun-Sentinal reported.

When Pollack heard the lawyer, he said the first thing that came to his mind was a counter offer to appease the pain of losing his daughter, ABC News reported.

"I don't want none of his money. I'd rather be alone in a room with him for 10 minutes. If he wants to give that, that's better than any money he could give me," Pollack told the station. "When I buried my kid, I buried a good part of me with her.”

Pollack added that money would not bring back his daughter.