Florida Deputy Tases Man Who Ran After Being Pulled Over for Weaving While Driving a Tractor

The man has been charged with battery against a law enforcement officer and resisting arrest with violence.

A Florida man was tased after he fought with a deputy who pulled him over for driving erratically while behind the wheel of a tractor, authorities said.

The Washington County Sheriff's Office released dash cam video Tuesday of the encounter. The footage shows the tractor being driven down a two-lane country road, at times appearing to veer off the asphalt and onto the shoulder.

The deputy stopped the piece of  farm machinery being driven by Charles McNeil, according to a statement released released by the department.  McNeil told the officer he had no identification and gave a false name, authorities said.

The 28-year-old suspect fought the deputy, who was trying to handcuff him, and ran, the statement said. In the video, the officer is seen firing his taser, and McNeil then slams into the pavement head-first.

A knife and a prescription bottle of pills were removed from the suspect and he was transported to a hospital. He was released on Sunday, department public information officer Kristin Martin told InsideEdition on Wednesday night. He has been charged with resisting arrest with violence, assaulting a law enforcement officer, possession of a controlled substance and grand theft.

The tractor had been stolen from its 71-year-old owner, deputies said they later learned.

McNeil, who is currently out on bound for an unrelated felony drug charge in another county, has not yet been taken into custody by Washington County Sheriff's deputies. "An arrest warrant is being prepared," Martin said.