
Florida Summer Camp Uses Hula Hoops to Enforce Social Distancing

One of the difficulties is getting kids to keep far enough away from each other, as children are excited to see old friends and make new ones.

While most camps have called off their seasons due to COVID-19, the Museum of Science and Industry Day Camp in Tampa, Florida, is welcoming kids to learn and play — with lots of safety precautions in place. One of the difficulties is getting kids to keep far enough away from each other, as children are excited to see old friends and make new ones.

"How do we get the kids in the camp without doing their normal touching and hugging, because it's a summer camp family," said Director Janet White. "We have many kids who return year after year. It's like seeing your old camp friends every year, and it's exciting for them." 

The camp is enforcing social distancing with hula hoops, giving visual aid to help campers stay out of other’s personal space. Marks with tape on chairs also keep kids apart at tables and during activities, kids sit solo at the opposite ends of long tables. 

Face masks are optional for campers, but mandatory for staff. Breaks for washing hands are built into the schedule. 

"As long as they're doing what they're supposed to be doing and practicing social distancing and keeping things clean, there's only so much you can do," one parent said.