
Florida Woman Released From Hospital After Battling COVID-19 to Find Husband Dead From the Disease

Lisa Burgett Steadman, who was unvaccinated, had been in the hospital for eight days recovering from complications related to COVID-19 and a blood infection from diverticulitis. When she arrived home, she found her husband's body.

A Florida woman made a tragic discovery when she found the body of her husband who had died from COVID-19 while she was in the hospital fighting the disease herself. 

Lisa Burgett Steadman, who had not been vaccinated against the disease, had been in the hospital for eight days recovering from complications related to the virus and a blood infection from diverticulitis.

After being discharged from the hospital, Burgett Steadman, 58, went home. There she found the body of her husband, 55-year-old Ronald Steadman, who had tested positive for COVID-19 10 days before his wife was admitted into the hospital. He also had not been vaccinated. 

"I had spoken to Ron every day in the hospital when I was in there and on Monday I couldn't get a hold of him," she wrote on Facebook. 

Police conducted a wellness check and told Lisa he seemed to be experiencing symptoms similar to that of a bad cold, she said. He had also been having problems with his phone, and so when she was unable to get in touch with him the following day or the day after, Lisa wrote she thought it was because of his phone being unable to hold its charge. 

"I ubered home and walked into a nightmare," she wrote.

When she walked into the house she said she heard the dogs barking. When she reached their bedroom door and opened it she saw her husband had passed away.

She said it's believed he may have died the same day he had been checked on by police. 

"The dogs were almost gone from lack of food and water... it's just absolutely a nightmare," she wrote.

"It was like walking into a horror film, and I wish I had never seen him like that because I can't get that picture out of my head," she told Fox13

The broken-hearted widow, who is mourning her lost love who she met on Christian Mingle, said she plans on getting the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as she can. 

“I thought I was going to die," she told Fox13. "It is like you don't have no bones in your body. You can't move. You're just that weak.”

To help with the funeral expenses and her personal finances since she is out of work, Lisa created a Facebook fundraiser entitled, “Help Lisa’s Memorial/Loss Fundraiser,” which has raised nearly $3,700 towards her goal of $5,000.

“So never normally would I do something like this but I could really use help. I know that God is with me and without his strength I wouldn't have made it through this far,” Lisa said. “All the money I will receive will go towards all the expenses that I have incurred during this and not being able to work. I will not be able to work for at least 2 more weeks and then will slowly go back to it.”

On Tuesday, Lisa went back to the ER. "Because my immune system is so worn down, I have a bladder and a kidney infection, along with a dry cough bacterial infection and a virus in my mouth that has my mouth full of ulcers," she wrote on Facebook. "Lots of meds to get rid of all this. But I'm home. I wish I could see the light at the end of the tunnel with all this sickness. This surely is not me."

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