
Forget the Gym? This Machine Claims to Build Muscles for You

Emsculpt promises a toned tummy and glutes without sweating.

Not all love stories have a happy ending, but Danielle is determined to have hers — with a little help.  

Danielle, 37, is newly divorced and wanted to make sure she looks great, so she underwent a procedure called Emsculpt in New Jersey. She allowed Inside Edition to tag along with her. 

The creators of the Emsculpt device say it works by delivering electro-stimulation to build muscle, creating a toned tummy and butt. One 30-minute session of Emsculpt claims to be the equivalent of 20,000 crunches. 

But does it actually work? Danielle was pleased with the results.

“My stomach feel a like firmer. My butt feels higher,” she told Inside Edition.

Check out the video above to learn more about the procedure.