
Freshman New York Lawmaker Wants to Bring Sex Education to Kindergarten

The legislation, sponsored by state Sen. Samra G. Brouk, who is a freshman Democrat, is hoping to integrate a set of health curriculum standards drafted by an interest group called, "Sex Ed for Social Change."

A New York lawmaker wants sex education to be integrated into the state's school curriculum as early as kindergarten.

The new piece of legislation, sponsored by state Sen. Samra G. Brouk, who is a freshman Democrat and sits on the state's chair of mental health, is hoping to enhance sex education for children in the state.

"I am greatly concerned about the unacceptably high incidence of relationship violence, sexual harassment and assault, and online bullying in our society today," Brouk told the New York Post in an interview. 

Brouk hopes to amend the education law by adding a new section that requires each public and charter school ages K-through-12 to have comprehensive sex education.

Where the law stands now, New York does not require sex education to go beyond certain requirements relating to HIV/AIDS, according to the proposed bill.

The remaining curriculum is "inaccurate, incomplete, or biased," she wrote in the bill, adding that "LGTBQ relationships are often stigmatized or ignored entirely."

The new curriculum would ideally make schools safer places for members of the LGTBQIA+ community.

"In kindergarten, that looks like basic lessons about friendship and communication, providing students with the building blocks they need to tackle issues like consent and sexual health years later in middle and high school," Brouk wrote.

Teachers would also be required to cover issues like "healthy relationships, body image and self-esteem." Children would also learn about "vaginal, oral, and anal sex" and "gender identity," the Post reported.

Opponents have raised concerns about the proposed plan, citing certain topics as inappropriate or critiquing other subjects in the education system that are lacking strong curriculums like math and reading.

New York is reportedly one of 22 states without a statewide sex-ed requirement, the Post reported. instead, local school districts decide how the curriculum is managed.