Having Trouble Signing Up to Get a Vaccine? Persistence Is Key

With millions of Americans now eligible, getting an appointment can be very difficult.

The process of getting a COVID-19 vaccine can be a grueling experience. And with millions of Americans now eligible, getting an appointment can be very difficult.

Mark Winiarski has been frantically calling to make an appointment for his 67-year-old wife who suffers from Parkinson’s Disease.

“I feel like I’m in a maze with no open doors,” Winiarski told Inside Edition. “A couple weeks I called it, it was not taking calls.”

It took Inside Edition producer Chris Dukas 50 minutes to get someone to answer the New York State COVID-19 hotline. He was able to get an appointment, but not until April 11. And he’d have to drive six hours to the city of Utica.

Dr. Oz has advice for improving your chances of getting the vaccine.

“First off, memorize that 1-800 number and also put it on speed dial. And then just keep hitting redial. If you keep doing that, eventually you'll get through and you’ll be able to get your vaccine,” he said.

Persistence is key. If you’re having trouble scheduling an appointment online, keep hitting refresh on your computer, and eventually you should get through. Most importantly — don’t give up.

“People definitely give up too quickly. They say, ‘I called three times, they didn't answer.’ Are you kidding me? We're talking about a vaccine that can avoid COVID-19. It might save your life,” Dr. Oz said.