Pompous Albert Claws His Way To Grumpy Cat's Fame

"I'm not grumpy or angry, I'm just smarter and better looking than you."

The cat with a permanent scowl on his face and some pretty wacky hair is giving internet sensation Grumpy Cat a run for his money.

Grumpy Cat officially becomes a celebrity.

The cat from Salt Lake City, Utah, is named Albert because of his wild hair that's comes with his Kirk Rex breed, and his uncanny resemblance to Albert Einstein.

Pompous Albert has over 40,000 Instagram followers that's growing larger by the day. His owners has posted some pretty funny caption with his photos, giving him a unique personality that is taking the internet by storm.

Crazed cat holds owners hostage.

One caption that sums him up reads: "I'm not grumpy or angry, I'm just smarter and better looking than you."

I photo of him going through the trash reads: "8:05 am like I don't even care."

Could Albert's priceless expressions by heading to the TV? Grumpy Cat's internet fame has launched his career with a TV movie starring Parks and Recreation star Aubry Plaza as his voice.

Whether Albert makes it in the movies or not, one thing's for sure -- he's got one unforgettable face.