Members of Stanford Women's Swim Team Not Surprised by Brock Turner Arrest

The team members claim Brock Turner made crude comments about their bodies.

Members of the Stanford University women's swim team are saying they were not surprised by Brock Turner's arrest, according to a report.

Read: Stanford Attacker Brock Turner May Have Lied to Probation Officers About Doing Drugs

One swimmer was quoted as calling Turner "very, very odd" and claims he made crude comments to her teammates about their bodies, according to InTouch Magazine.

“Brock’s arrest wasn’t surprising to anyone on the team,” one woman told the magazine.

Turner, 20, was a member of the Stanford men’s team until his sexual assault conviction earlier this month, when he was removed from the team. He has also been banned for life by USA Swimming.

Meanwhile, the powerful letter written by Brock’s unidentified 23-year-old victim was read aloud in congress Wednesday.

An hour passed as the 19 members of congress, Democrats and Republicans, took turns reading the entire 7,000 word plea.

Turner got just six months after being convicted of sexual assault. He's expected to be released three months early, on September 2. The sentence has led to outrage.

Read: Stanford Students Stand Up For Brock Turner Victim During Graduation: 'Take It Effing Seriously'

A petition calling for Judge Aaron Persky to step down has over 1.2 million signatures.

Some jurors who find themselves in Judge Persky's courtroom are refusing to serve as long as the judge is presiding over the case.

The local DA even had the judge removed from a new rape case earlier this week because he had "lost confidence in the judge."

Watch: Meet The Hero Who Stopped Stanford Student Brock Allen Turner