Inside Edition's Most Popular Stories of 2022

From coverage of the war in Ukraine to good deeds caught on camera, here are our most popular stories of 2022.

This year saw significant news made both locally and around the globe. Inside Edition covered it all, and these were the stories that proved to be our most popular in 2022.

In February, a pilot wanted to treat others to some spectacular views. The video was shot by the pilot while flying his plane over Nebraska. He shifted the engine into idle as he dropped through the clouds. For many, falling from the sky is a terrifying idea. But it brings this guy peace.

In March, two Ukrainian soldiers defused a live Russian bomb by hand. They carefully unscrewed the fuse as shells exploded nearby.

That same month, this massive blast rocked a city in Ukraine. This man was shooting a selfie video when the missile struck. He miraculously survived.

Afterward, one civilian shared a video diary as she walked through the rubble.

In April, a Texas home invasion was caught on video. The suspects ordered the victims to get on the floor. As the terrifying invasion unfolded, the parents, out for the evening, watched in horror on their cameras app.

In May, workers tried to figure out a way to ring a doorbell. They avoided what they thought was wet paint on the porch. One guy reached but couldn’t make it. He tried with a pen, but still came up short. Then, wait a second! They realized the paint wasn’t wet at all. It was just really, really shiny!

In June, a California teen performed a good deed by driving to a house to return a lost purse. Melina Marquez said he rang her doorbell after he found the bag at a grocery store. The driver’s license inside belonged to her friend, Eliana Martin, who used to live with her, but hadn’t updated her address. The women posted the video on social media. Eventually, 17-year-old Adrian Rodriguez identified himself as the good Samaritan. The women also had a surprise for him and raised thousands of dollars in a GoFundMe to give to him once he was found.

In July, an alarming video showed a UPS worker in distress from extreme heat. He struggled to make it to the front porch, then collapsed. Overwhelmed by the 110-degree heat in Arizona, he rested for a moment to recover. Slowly he got back up again and reached for the doorbell before stumbling back to his truck. Surprisingly, UPS trucks have no air conditioning. After the incident, UPS said the driver was fine. They also said “our package delivery vehicles make frequent stops making air conditioning ineffective.”

It was a frightening moment on-air in early December. Sportscaster Bob Rathbun slumped in his chair and started convulsing while his co-anchor, unaware of the emergency, kept talking. As Rathbun lost consciousness, someone off camera reached in to help him. The camera then cut away. His reps said he quote briefly lost consciousness on the court. Emergency medical professionals treated Rathbun for dehydration.

For more on our most popular stories, watch our video above. 

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