
July 2021 Was the Hottest Month on Record, the NOAA Says: '1st Place Is the Worst Place to Be'

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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released a statement on how the extreme heat felt across the globe this past month is directly connected to climate change.

July 2021 was officially the hottest month on record.

A few days after the U.N. released their report on the effects of extreme heat worldwide, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released a statement calling the heat last month an "unenviable distinction" and connected it to the effects of climate change.

"In this case, first place is the worst place to be," NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad said in the statement. 

"July is typically the world's warmest month of the year, but July 2021 outdid itself as the hottest July and month ever recorded. This new record adds to the disturbing and disruptive path that climate change has set for the globe." 

According to data released by NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information, the average land and ocean surface temperature in July worldwide was almost 2 degrees hotter than last century. 

Official record-keeping of global temperatures began 142 years ago, showing the changes across continents including in Asia, where July was their hottest month ever recorded.

Extreme heat is more than just uncomfortable, as it can lead to natural disasters, such as the wildfires that have been seen throughout the Western U.S.

The IPCC report shares the human influence on climate change, support environmental experts’ hypotheses on increases in heat being unavoidable unless major changes are made.

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