
Larry Thomas, Better Known as the 'Soup Nazi' From ‘Seinfeld,’ Makes 6 Figures a Year From Cameo

Despite appearing in just one single “Seinfeld” episode, Larry Thomas has been able to cash in decades later.

There might be no soup for you, but you there can be a Cameo appearance. Larry Thomas, the actor who portrayed the infamous “Seinfeld” character, the “Soup Nazi,” is reportedly making six figures from his work on the social platform, according to the company's CEO, People reports.

"He makes over six figures a year with us," Cameo CEO Steve Galanis recently told The New York Times' Kara Swisher on her podcast, Sway.

Despite appearing in just one single “Seinfeld” episode, Thomas has continued to cash in on the role.

"He wasn't a huge deal himself. But because he was an iconic bit player of a really famous show, [he does well]," Galanis added. "He's not the star but it's such an iconic character. And again, these are people who are more famous than they are rich."

Cameo connects fans to request celebrities to record messages for them for a fee. Each celebrity ranges in price.

While 64-year-old Thomas’ numbers are impressive, they are eclipsed by actor Brian Baumgartner, who played Kevin Malone on “The Office.” The actor, 48, is set to take home $1 million in 2020 from Cameo bookings, according to Galanis.

"He really takes a lot of pride in his craftsmanship of the videos," the tech entrepreneur said. "And I do think the quality of the Cameo is something that is really important to people. And he just is somebody that really takes it seriously and does a great job...He's reliable. He turns them around quickly. And the content is really funny,” Galanis said.