Man Suffering From Rare Skin Disease Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis Gets Life-Changing Surgery

While the condition cannot be cured, it can be managed and to see what happens in his procedure tune into “My Feet Are Killing Me,” Thursdays at 10 on TLC.

A Pittsburgh man with a mysterious condition know as Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis is finally experiencing relief after having the growths on his feet removed. Sebastian Quinn’s medical journey was shared on the new season of TLC's series “My Feet Are Killing Me.” The condition stems from a problem with Quinn’s immune response. He is one of the few people in the world to be affected in this way.

The condition forms large growths on his feet that are extremely painful, and continue to grow, said Orange County specialist Dr. Ebonie Vincent.

“Sebastian has a gene mutation and so his immune system is weak enough to allow these growths to grow all over his body,” Vincent said in the series.

While the condition is rare, it has been noted before in the news.

“There’s been a case of this that was in the media. The man was called the 'Tree Man of Indonesia.' I’ve been looking up his case specifically in terms of how to go about treating Sebastian,” Vincent said. “The tree man died at age 45 due to complications associated with a weakened immune system.”

Quinn hasn’t been able to work since he was 17, which was the last time he could wear tennis shoes. He’s not looking for work during the COVID-19 pandemic because he’s so high risk.

While the condition cannot be cured, it can be managed. More on Quinn's condition and the procedure he underwent will be featured on “My Feet Are Killing Me,” which premieres  Monday, Jan. 25 at 9 p.m. on TLC.