Mel B's Ex-Husband Hits Back at Explosive Tell-All: 'It's a Bunch of Lies'

Stephen Belafonte, who was married to the Spice Girl for nearly 10 years, spoke to Inside Edition about the book, "Brutally Honest," in which Mel B wrote about her experiences in what she calls an "abusive" relationship.

Mel B's ex-husband is calling her new tell-all, in which she accuses him of serial abuse and paints him as a monster, a "bunch of lies."

Stephen Belafonte, who was married to the Spice Girl for nearly 10 years, spoke to Inside Edition about the book, "Brutally Honest," in which Mel B wrote about her experiences in what she calls an "abusive" relationship. 

"We never had a physical altercation in our lives," Belafonte said. "... It's a bunch of lies."

The pair had one of the nastiest divorces in Hollywood and included allegations of abuse and infidelity. Speaking to Inside Edition's Jim Moret, Belafonte insisted that it was Mel B who was romantically involved with the pair's nanny, Lorraine Gilles, and not him, as his ex-wife has claimed.

"She made her get a tattoo that said, 'Property of Mel,'" said Belafonte. "When Lorraine said that she didn't want to be in an exclusive relationship with Melanie, Melanie went nuts....

"You do not turn Melanie down," he added. 

In "Brutally Honest," Mel B wrote that she dropped abuse allegations against Belafonte because he threatened to release hours of private sex tapes. But Belafonte said no tapes were "ever going to be shown in court."

"That's a lie," he insisted. "... Why, why, why come out with this book? It's just nonsense and disgusting and it's all lies."