Mexico City Rescue Dogs Trained to Search for and Rescue Humans in the Wake of Disasters

The dogs put a whole new spin on the phrase "Animal Rescue" after graduating from a special program in Mexico City.

More than 30 rescue dogs of all breeds and sizes went through a 2-month training in Mexico to enable them to find human in case of a disaster.

The dogs traversed rubble obstacle courses meant to look like the aftermath of an earthquake in Mexico City.

Their sole mission? Find their human family member.

The new graduates can go through tunnels, are at ease rappelling from heights and will alert others when they find a person in danger.

After completing their 2-month rescue training, the dogs have the option of taking more classes to become professional searchers.

And while one hopes these dogs will never need to use these skills, there is something poetic about a rescued animal rescuing their human right back.

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