Millennial Mamas Debate Whether Parents Should Feel Guilty About Screen Time

Should parents feel bad about letting their kids have some time with iPads and other devices? 

As any parent will tell you, it’s not always easy to keep young children entertained. 

New technologies can help, but should parents feel bad about letting their kids have screen time? 

Inside Edition asked The Millennial Mamas, Erin Ziering and Veena Crownholm, to weigh in. 

"I was the mom too that said ... 'My child should not be in front of the TV before they're 2 [years old].'" Ziering said. "And then I had baby No. 2."

Once she had two children, Ziering said she struggled to separate what one was doing from the other. 

"As a stay-at-home working mom, you have to have a moment to get on a phone call and you have to find a way to do it," she said. 

Ziering found that when she was busy, her younger child would watch whatever her older sister was watching.

"How do you separate that as a mom with two kids?" Ziering wondered. 

"It's hard," Crownholm added. "It's about balancing your day ... Will watching this show for 30 minutes kill my child? The answer is no."

To hear more of their debate, check out the video above.