
Moms Post Their Own Post-Birth Photos Alongside Kate Middleton's for Laughs

Left: Getty Images, Right: Sophie Killingley

The new moms found humor in the comparisons.

Following Kate Middleton's flawless appearance just hours after giving birth to a baby boy earlier this week, moms across the internet are making hilarious comparisons with their own post-birth photos.

Seven hours after the birth of her third child, the Duchess of Cambridge looked stunning as she appeared outside St. Mary’s Hospital in London — with the help of a hairdresser and stylist.

Anna Corbin, of Pennsylvania, said that when she saw the photo, she giggled at the thought of how she must have looked after giving birth to her first child in 2005.

"She looked gorgeous," Corbin told "I thought I must've looked hideous. Sure enough, I stumbled across the photo my husband took six to seven hours after birth."

Corbin took to Twitter to post the photo of her sleeping in a hospital bed with the caption, "Who's the princess now?"

"I thought it was a little self-deprecating humor," Corbin said.

Another mom, Sophie Killingley, of the United Kingdom, said she loves Kate Middleton, but found the comparison with her photo too good not to share.

“I was too bloated after all the IV drips to even squeeze my feet into flip flops,” Sophie Killingley told

Killingley said she did feel sad, however, that the Duchess had to get "glammed up" for the media.

"I’m sure she’d much rather be alone drinking tea and taking pain meds for the crazy post-birth pains," Killingley said. "She’s a trooper, but I guess I also just wanted to keep it real as a large majority of us look like human garbage after birthing a human and that’s cool too."

The women were just a few of many moms who joined in on the fun.

Corbin said that no matter what you look like after birth, it’s just a matter of embracing being a mom.