Nebraska Woman Pens Hilarious and Loving Obituary for Husband: 'Cause of Death Was ... Likely Being Dead Sexy'

Crystal Sauser and Eric Sauser with their three kids

A woman's loving obituary went viral over the weekend after a local Nebraska newspaper published the light-hearted eulogy.

A woman's loving obituary went viral over the weekend after a local Nebraska newspaper published the light-hearted and slightly hilarious eulogy in memory of her late husband who died of cancer.

Crystal Sauser and Eric Sauser have been married for 17 years and became parents to three incredible children, ages 11, 9, and 5, she wrote in the memorial.

Eric battled with leukemia for nearly two years. After months of chemo, his cancer reappeared and last month, he passed away peacefully in his sleep in their Omaha home.

They first discovered Eric was feeling ill when he was carrying his young daughter upstairs to bed. He was feeling light-headed and experiencing night sweats. In April 2019, he was given his diagnosis. 

"We were shocked," Crystal told "Good Morning America." "Eric said nothing but, 'Oh well, it's fine. We are going to just deal with this.'"

She says her husband never wanted to be pitied and, "we maintained that in writing his obituary."

"He's completely embarrassed by me saying these things [in the obituary] like, 'he's dead sexy,' but he would be so happy that he wasn't cookie cutter," Crystal told "Good Morning America."

"His departure was just in time for him to make his spiritual appearance at every Red Sox spring game," the obituary wrote in the Omaha-World Herald. "He is preceded in death by billions, including his dog Harry who most of us loved to hate."

"We are not positive, but we think the cause of death was either leukemia or more likely being 'dead sexy.' Eric, we've always loved you and miss you already."