Nicole Brown Simpson's Sister Shows Her Personal Treasures 25 Years After Slaying

It's been 25 years since O.J. Simpson's ex-wife was killed.

Some of Nicole Brown Simpson's personal treasures have been locked inside a trunk for 25 years and now her sister is opening it for Inside Edition. 

O.J. Simpson's ex-wife, Nicole, and her friend Ron Goldman were brutally stabbed outside her Brentwood, California, condo in June 1994. Simpson was acquitted of the murders but found responsible for the deaths in civil court.

For Tanya Brown, Nicole's Swiss Army watch, a highlight of the trunk, is both precious and painful.

“It’s the watch she wore the night she was killed,” Tanya told Inside Edition. “Right now, I am shaking … I get the visual of her. It just brings me back to her that she actually died in this.” 

A crime scene photo shows the watch on Nicole’s bloody arm. 

Also in the chest was Nicole’s handwritten morning prayer poem, found in her nightstand drawer.

“Dear Lord, I promised you last night never again to sulk or fight. Such vows are easier to keep when a child is sound asleep,” Tanya read. 

In the chest was also a single earring; its match is buried along with Nicole. 

“I really wanted to leave Nicole something in her casket, so I gave her the other earring,” her sister said. 

A china place setting was also in the chest. "My sister went all out for the holidays, birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas," said Tanya. 

All the personal items are on display for the first time to honor what would have been Nicole's 60th birthday. They can be seen at Alcatraz East Crime Museum in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

“I know exactly what she would be doing, she would being hanging out with the kids, sending them to college,” Tanya said.

The exhibit includes photos that show Nicole as an alleged victim of domestic violence by Simpson and chronicle her life as a devoted mom.

Also at the museum? The White Bronco from Simpson's infamous slow-speed chase.

One person Tanya never expects to visit is Simpson himself.

“It didn’t need to happen. If you were so jealous or angry,” she said. “Why do you need to kill someone?”

Simpson has always denied having anything to do with the murders.