
Oregon Hunter Killed by Elk He Shot the Previous Day

An elk charged an Oregon man after being shot by him twice.(Getty)

Mark David, 66, of Hillsboro went back to kill the elk when it charged him with its antlers.

An Oregon man is dead after an elk he shot the previous day charged at him and gored him in the neck with its antlers, authorities said.

Mark David, 66, of Hillsboro was archery hunting Saturday on a private property in Tillamook when he wounded an elk, but wasn’t able to find it before dark, The Oregonian reported.  

On Sunday morning, David and the property’s owner were able to find the elk and wounded it a second time with a bow.

The elk, however, was still alive and charged David, piercing his throat with its antlers. "The landowner attempted to help David but he sustained fatal injuries and died," Oregon State Police said.

The elk was later killed and the meat was later donated to the Tillamook County Jail, authorities said.