'Permit Patty' Uproar: Good Samaritan Offers to Pay for 8-Year-Old's Trip to Disneyland

Jordan Rodgers was selling bottles of water to raise money for a trip to Disneyland when she was approached by Alison Ettel, aka "Permit Patty."

In a new twist to the "Permit Patty" saga, the California girl selling bottles of water to pay for a trip to Disneyland will now get to go, thanks to a good Samaritan who was moved by the story.

Little Jordan had been selling the bottles in San Francisco recently when she was confronted by a neighbor who asked her if she had a permit, and threatened to call police.

In a now-viral video of the incident, the girl's mother is heard saying, "This woman don't want a little girl to sell some water. She's calling police on an 8-year-old little girl. You can hide all you want; the whole world is going to see you, boo."

Speaking to Inside Edition, Jordan's mom, Erin Austin, said that the woman, now known as "Permit Patty," told her daughter, "If you don't show me a permit, I’m calling the cops."

"OK, call them!" Austin said. "When she pressed 911, I pulled my phone out of my pocket." 

In the video, Ettel can be heard saying the little girl was "illegally selling water without a permit."

After the incident went viral, a good Samaritan who saw the clip has stepped up to pay for the trip. 

Jordan told Inside Edition she is “extremely” excited to go to Disneyland because she "has never gone."

Meanwhile, "Permit Patty" herself, Alison Ettel, is addressing the controversy.

"I tried to be polite, but I was stern," Ettel told the "Today" show Monday. "I said, 'Please, I’m trying to work. You're screaming. You're yelling, and people have open windows. It's a hot day. Can you please keep it down?'"

But Austin doesn't remember it that way. The incident echoes another recent viral video of a white woman dubbed “Barbecue Becky," who called police on a group of black men having a cookout in an Oakland park last month. 

"What kind of monster calls the cops on a little girl? Whether she's black, brown, orange, yellow, purple," Austin told Inside Edition. 

Ettel says she was actually talking with the building's security guard not police

She says she has received thousands of hateful messages, including death threats.

Ettel says she would like to say sorry to Jordan and her mother but they have said the apology is not accepted.