Potassium Iodide Demand Skyrockets Amid Growing Nuclear Fears

“People should take potassium iodide only on the advice of public health or emergency management officials," the CDC says.

With the grim specter of nuclear conflict swirling around the world, there's now a huge demand for potassium iodide pills, a substance that may offer some protection from radiation exposure.

The fears have sparked panic buying of the radiation-blocking tablets, with one U.S. distributor declaring, “We are out of stock.”

The buzz is also growing on social media. Taylor Kenney, who has a prepper TikTok page, keeps a stash of potassium iodide pills. She says she ordered them online a couple years ago.

“At that time they were really cheap. I know now prices have been skyrocketing, because so many people are afraid,” Kenney said.

In a statement, the CDC warns, “People should take potassium iodide only on the advice of public health or emergency management officials.”

Some doctors say the tablets have limited value, like after a nuclear plant disaster. 

“This is strictly if there's an accident. It's a stopgap measure, and you shouldn't be taking it continuously,” ER physician Dr. Leigh Vinocur told Inside Edition.

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