Previously Homeless Boy, 8, Overcome With Emotion as He's Surprised With His First Bed

All 8-year-old Daeyrs wanted was a bed to call his own, and he couldn’t help but sob with joy when he finally got his wish.

All 8-year-old Daeyrs wanted was a bed he could call his own, and he couldn’t help but sob when he finally got his wish.

Just before Christmas, little Daeyrs of Detroit, Mich., was overcome with emotion when he saw his very own bed inside the fully furnished home a charity organized for his family.

The boy could be seen in a video licensed to Caters News looking around his brand new room in awe before breaking down in tears.

He and his mom Dionna have spent most of his life living from shelter to shelter after she lost her job as a nurse.

When they were finally granted state housing, Daeyrs slept in a pile of blankets in his room since they couldn’t afford furniture for their dream home.

That’s when non-profit Humble Design stepped in to decorate their home for free.

"Seeing how much having a bed and his own room meant to Daeyrs, it really made me realize what's important in life and grateful for everything I have,” Humble Design founder Tregar Strasberg said.

“He was so excited to have his own room, but also so overwhelmed by what having this really means for him after all he's been through, to have a place to stay and just be a normal kid with no worries.”

The organization helped more than 150 families transition out of homelessness and abuse shelters in 2017.


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