Prince Harry Says He and Meghan Markle Love Living in America With Son Archie

Prince Harry, who also said he wants to teach Archie rugby, urged people to take care of themselves and namely their mental health during this time.

Prince Harry has revealed that he and Meghan Markle love living in America with their son, Archie. The Duke of Sussex also revealed that he would love to teach his son to play rugby one day.

Harry spoke at a virtual event celebrating the British Rugby Football League's 125th birthday over the weekend. The prince is the patron of the league and was asked about living in America. He said he loves it, but noted he is having a hard time finding rugby gear to start training his 1-year-old son.

"That's an easy question. Loving it. It's fantastic. What I need is a few mini rugby balls so I can get Archie involved with the game because at the moment, it's impossible to find any,” he said. “I've got a little bit of space outside so I need to get him playing some rugby league.”

While Harry raved about having an outdoor space, he did sympathize with those who do not, especially during the COVID-19 lockdown.

The prince also urged people to take care of themselves and namely their mental health during this time. Harry has long been a champion of mental health awareness.

Next year the rugby league will have their World Cup and Harry has confirmed he will be back in Great Britain for it.

"I would've been back already had it not been for COVID-19, so don't worry, you guys and the rugby league community will have my commitment for as long as I can give it to you,” he said.