Prison Consultant Says He's Giving Advice to Some Parents Accused in College Admissions Scandal

An ex-con who did time for financial fraud helps rich people facing a stint behind bars.

So you might go to prison, now what?

Justin Paperny is a federal prison consultant who advises wealthy people facing a stint behind bars about what to expect.

Lately, he told Inside Edition, his phone has been ringing off the hook as some of the parents caught up in the college admissions scandal seek his help. 

"It's just shock and devastation," said Paperny of what those people are feeling. "They never imagine that they could end up in this situation."

He added: "They've gone from a very normal privileged life to shock and awe."

Paperny said many of his clients fear violence in prison most of all. 

"I try to debunk that myth," he said, adding that as long as you follow the rules, you'll be OK. "It's my job to walk them through each and every possibility that could happen."

Paperny knows firsthand how scary prison can be: He spent 18 months in a federal prison himself for violating securities laws.

"I reassure them by telling them that eventually this experience is going to end," Paperny said.

For those charged in the college admissions scandal, Paperny said he encourages those who might have done what they're accused of to "more immediately accept responsibility," adding that you're more likely to see leniency from a judge if you take some ownership. 

"If they've done it, ... accept responsibility, say I'm sorry and begin to make amends. ... Own it, accept it, recognize that it will end."

His biggest piece of advice is to not let prison time ruin your life.

"Many good people serve time in prison. ... It slows down and derails the rest of their life," said Paperny.

"Don't let this become a life sentence."