
Rangers Accompany and Protect Elephants Traveling Through Maasai Mara in Search of Food

When resources run dry in one area, elephant herds go on the move looking for sustenance. It is a route well-known to poachers.

Elephants travel long distances in search of food, but in the wilderness of southwest Kenya, they are not traveling alone.

Not far away are Maasai Mara rangers making sure these animals aren’t stopped in their tracks by humans. 

“You have to be very observant, attentive and courageous. When you are courageous at least you are confident,” one ranger says.

The Masai Mara’s elephant corridor runs between Kenya and Tanzania. 

When resources run dry in one area, elephant herds go on the move looking for sustenance. It is a route well-known to poachers.

While the elephants do not know how they are being protected by the rangers, conservationists say they are grateful for their efforts.

“Rangers I think are the unsung heroes in a lot of instances and they don’t get enough attention,” a conservationist says. “These are people, men and women who spend all day outside in the bush in dangerous situations.”

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