
Rescued Parrot Keeps Ordering His Favorite Snacks on Owner's Alexa

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Apparently the early bird does get the worm ... or a good sale.

Apparently the early bird does get the worm...or a good sale.

Rocco the parrot has formed a relationship with his owner’s voice-activated Amazon Echo.

He’d been ordering all the things he likes to eat, including strawberries, ice cream, watermelons, raisins and broccoli. He even ordered a kite, his owner, Marion Wischnewski, said.

“I have to check the shopping list when I come in from work and cancel all the items he’s ordered," she said, the Daily Mail reported.

Rocco is an African Grey parrot, a type known for its ability to copy words.

This isn’t Rocco’s first time causing mischief.

According to reports, he was booted from the National Animal Welfare Trust Sanctuary in Berkshire, England, because he was too foul-mouthed. Workers thought his cursing would upset visitors.

Wischnewski, who works for the trust, adopted Rocco. Even though she has to double check her shopping list, it seems Rocco has also built his own playlist.

“They chat away to each other all day. Often I come in and there’s music playing," she said.