
A-Rod Isn't the Only One Who Had Something Stolen in San Francisco

Inside Edition Chief Investigative Correspondent Lisa Guerrero was also the victim of a crime when she was reporting in the city.

Former baseball star Alexander Rodriguez had half a million dollars’ worth of personal items stolen from his rented SUV in San Francisco over the weekend.

The thief got away with jewelry, a laptop, a camera and a bag. 

A-Rod was in San Francisco to cover a ballgame for ESPN. His fiancee, Jennifer Lopez, was on tour in Russia. 

The theft happened when A-Rod and several ESPN colleagues went for dinner after the game, leaving his rented SUV parked on the street.

San Francisco has been plagued by an epidemic of car break-ins as Inside Edition Chief Investigative Correspondent Lisa Guerrero found out when she deliberately left a speaker and pocketbook in her car as bait last year during an investigation. 

As expected, her car was robbed. What the thief didn't know was that she had placed tracking devices on the speaker and the pocketbook.

Guerrero later found the suspect in a subway station and the items were recovered. 

The problem is so bad in the city that Guerrero and the Inside Edition crew vehicle were hit a second time as she interviewed a neighbor who was fed up with getting ripped off. They stole thousands of dollars’ worth of camera equipment.