Sibling Rivalry: Boy Throws Tantrum After Learning He’ll Have Sister in Gender Reveal

The boy later listened to "sad song radio" after the incident.

An 8-year-old Florida boy could not contain his emotions and discontent after learning he was going to have another sister during a gender reveal. 

Destin Torres, who desperately wanted a brother, broke down in tears and threw a temper tantrum after he found out his mom and dad is having a third girl.

Destin and his sisters, Lexiann, 6, and Aviana, 3, were filmed earlier this month inside their Naples home in front of a plate of cupcakes. The frosting inside the cupcakes disclosed the gender of their incoming sibling.

The young boy declared he wanted a brother, while his sisters said they wanted a girl. Before the children took a bite of the cupcakes to find out their new sibling's gender, their parents gave the disclaimer that no matter what they have, the children will love their new addition unconditionally. 

At first, Destin and his sisters obliged, but as they bit down on the chocolate cupcakes and found another girl was on the way, he collapsed on the floor and began crying. 

“We decided to save his reaction as we had an idea that he would be a bit upset, but we didn’t think it would be like that," his mother, Brittany Torres, 28, told Caters News. "He was really hoping for a boy. He had been saying, ‘I hope it’s a brother.’ I didn’t expect him to burst into tears, I just thought he would brush it off. If he doesn’t get something he wants he usually accepts it and leaves it alone. He’s usually pretty good at taking on news he doesn’t want to hear.”

His parents tried to console him, but nothing seemed to work. They later found him listening to depressing music on an internet radio channel. 

“Afterwards he was listening to the radio on the internet — it was really depressing music and I said, ‘What are you listening to?' And he replied, ‘Sad song radio.’ He was upset for a week after,” his mom recalled. “I said to him ‘You are going to love her’ and he said, ‘I am, but I wanted a brother.’ I think it’s because there are already girls in the family. He’s the oldest and was hoping for a brother — he doesn’t want more girly stuff.”

The family, who lost everything during Hurricane Irma last year, says the news of another child has been a bright spot for them. 

“She is a blessing. She has definitely made things a lot easier for us,” Torres said of the new baby. “When we moved into our new place, we were trying to get new stuff and every day I was really upset.”

Torres says she has been watching the video of Destin’s tantrum every day since it happened, and it still makes her laugh. 

“I just wanted to see their reaction and have a memory of it to look back on and it ended up being a lot funnier," she said. "I put it on Facebook and everyone started sharing it.” 

She also says that in the time since the announcement, Destin has come around to the idea of another sister. 

“He’s happy there’s going to be another baby,” she said. “He told me, ‘I know I will like my sister, but it would have been nice to have a brother so you will have to try for a brother now.'"

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