3 Brothers Ecstatic After Gender Reveal Shows They Will Have a Little Sister

They jumped for joy at the news.

Three brothers are clearly overwhelmed with joy as they learned they will finally be getting a little sister in a sweet video that's making the rounds on the internet.

Cooper, 10, Rylan, 8, and Harper, 6, were extremely excited for the gender reveal, which took place at their grandmother’s house in Australia.

They even fought over who would get to pop the giant black balloon to reveal the baby’s sex, in the video shared by Caters News.

“The boys were screaming at the front door with excitement and couldn’t wait to find out,” Julie-Ann, the boy’s mom said. “We certainly didn’t expect such a reaction when we popped the balloon.”

After jumps and screams from all the children, Rylan, just couldn’t contain his emotions.

“Our middle son Rylan is a really sensitive soul and not your typical boy's boy, so he was very desperate for a sister and wanted it to be a girl from the moment we told them we were having a baby,” Julie-Ann said. “I had convinced him it would be a boy though, so he wouldn’t be too upset. When the balloon burst and everyone saw it was a girl it was pure shock and disbelief.”

The mom said she knows her little girl is going to be lucky to have three doting big brothers. They are already preparing for her January arrival.

“He [Rylan] is still so excited weeks after finding out that he has used his own savings to buy her five outfits,” she said.

Julie-Ann’s first sonogram at 19 weeks proved inconclusive and so the family found a doctor specifically to determine the baby’s gender. Julie-Anne and her husband, as well as the boys’ grandmother, already knew the gender of the baby so the surprise was really for the boys.

“They were all eagerly waiting to find out the sex, and we had told them we would do some sort of surprise reveal for them to make it fun,” Julie-Anne said.

Julie-Anne said she was shocked herself, however, when the doctor revealed she’d be having a girl.

“After having three boys I felt I was destined to only have boys, so I asked if he was sure,” she said. “He said yes and in the end wrote on the ultrasound image, ‘I am a little girl’ when I still couldn’t quite believe him. I phoned my husband Ravi and he wanted to know straight away. He was over the moon with the news.”