Texas Mom Says She Was Attacked by Fire Ants When Police Had her Handcuffed With Her Face Down in Grass

Taylor Rogers went the wrong way at a traffic circle and police tried to stop her but she drove off. The mother was handcuffed with her hands behind her back and her face in the grass.

A Texas mother’s face was attacked by fire ants after she says police handcuffed her facedown at her son’s school.

Taylor Rogers was dropping her 9-year-old son at school in Santa Fe. She went the wrong way at a traffic circle and police tried to stop her but she drove off.

Rogers was handcuffed with her hands behind her back in police custody with her face in the grass.

Sante Fe Police say they were unaware that she was facedown in a nest of fire ants. Bodycam video shows the mom attempting to lift her head off the ground.

“When the police hold you down in a fire ant bed when you are saying fire ants, and screaming, and they keep you there, what is that,” Rogers’ attorney Randall Kallinen said. “Is it torture? Yeah, that’s a strong word but I call it torture.”

Rogers tells Inside Edition getting bitten by the ants felt like fire all over her face. She says it was “extremely painful.”

The 33-year-old mom pled guilty to evading detention with a motor vehicle.

She says she will never forget the day she was placed under arrest and attacked by fire ants.

The Santa Fe Police chief says the body camera video is misleading, saying no fire ants were visible and Rogers was treated with “respect and dignity.”

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