The Best Gift Wrapping Hacks

As gift-giving season kicks into high gear, Inside Edition teamed up with Etsy's Trend Expert Dayna Isom for the best tips to wrap that present right.

As gift-giving season kicks into high gear, Inside Edition teamed up with Etsy's Trend Expert Dayna Isom for the best tips to wrap that present right.

First, Isom says, if you come up short on the piece of wrapping paper you cut, turn your gift diagonal on the sheet. Works like a charm.

And if you want to keep the wrapping easy, start with some Washi Tape. 

"This is gonna be your best friend. Decorative, can use it on anything," Isom says.

Place a single piece of tape down the center of the wrapping seam, leaving a little tap folded over at the top for easy opening and clean up.

To avoid a battle with the paper roll, get a dispenser that clips to the edge of your table. It will hold the roll and tape for you. All you have to do is pull and cut.

And how should you wrap oddly shaped items?

"You're gonna use this press and seal wrap," Isom says. With this wrap, you can seal it around your item, place a label on it and ship it right out.