
Theater Accidentally Plays 'Fifty Shades Freed' Instead of 'Black Panther' and Fan Reactions Were Hilarious

Image from Black Panther

Patrons reacted hilariously.

With “Black Panther” finally out in theaters, moviegoers in Atlanta were confused when a drastically different movie appeared on the screen in their theater on Thursday.

Patrons at Atlanta’s Regal Atlantic Station who’d bought tickets for the premiere of “Black Panther” were taken aback when instead of the superhero movie, “Fifty Shades Freed," an erotic drama, began playing.

“When the movie started, everybody thought it was another preview for about a minute,” Stephen Waites, who was in the theater during the mix-up, told "Once everybody figured out it wasn’t 'Black Panther,' everybody started booing and yelling.”

Waites hilariously live-tweeted about the confusion while other patrons went out to get management.

While some people were upset, many just thought it was funny, Waites said.

Thankfully the movie theater corrected the mistake in under ten minutes.

“Black Panther” fans have been coming out in droves all over America since the film hit theaters. Many people dressed in all black and numerous variations of African attire to pay homage to the film's predominantly black cast.

The film is expected to rake in $165 million during opening weekend, according to tracking service NRG.