TSA Screens 2M Travelers Ahead of Thanksgiving Holiday Despite CDC Warnings to Stay Put

Millions of Americans are traveling home for Thanksgiving, despite multiple warnings from health officials to stay put.

Millions of Americans are traveling home for Thanksgiving, despite multiple warnings from health officials to stay put. According to the TSA, 2 million passengers boarded flights over the weekend — the highest number of travelers since the beginning of the pandemic.

And that’s just the start. One health official said Thanksgiving could turn out to be the "super bowl of super spreaders."

Los Angeles International Airport was bustling amid the rush home for the holiday. Inside Edition correspondent Jim Moret was at the packed Spirit Airlines check-in area, where there was very little social distancing between passengers waiting in line.

Despite skyrocketing COVID-19 cases, more than 50 million people are also expected on the nation’s highways.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy said in a recent interview that Thanksgiving marks the start of what may be the deadliest period of the pandemic.

“You've got Thanksgiving, Advent, Chanukah, Christmas, New Years lined up all within five or six weeks, all in cold weather. We’re pleading with people, please, God, do the right thing,” Murphy said.