
Ukraine Kids Make Trench Candles for Troops

No one knows when the hostilities will end but the holiday season will be filled with wishes for peace and a future where these kids can go back to making macaroni cards.

Arts and crafts time at this school is dedicated to soldiers fighting a war.

In Lviv, Ukraine, grade-school children are making candles that the country’s fighters can use during their time on the battlefield. They’re using old jars and cans, stuffing them with rolls of cardboard and sealing them with paraffin wax. These candles can be used to provide light in trenches and for heating food and water.

With winter fast approaching and no signs of this war stopping, the candles will be appreciated by those who receive them.

Since Russia invaded its neighbor in February 2022, over 6,600 Ukrainian civilians have lost their lives, and over 10,000 have been injured.  

The toll of the war can be seen everywhere like in the city of Kherson, where heavy shelling caused fires that lit the night sky.

No one knows when the hostilities will end but the holiday season will be filled with wishes for peace and a future where these kids can go back to making macaroni cards.

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