Whoopi Goldberg and Jeanine Pirro in Vicious Backstage Fight After Contentious Interview on 'The View'

It came after Pirro accused Goldberg of having "Trump Derangement Syndrome."

Tempers flared at “The View” Thursday as a conflict between Whoopi Goldberg and Jeanine Pirro spilled backstage. 

More stories emerged from the conflict that followed a fiery debate between the ABC talk show's panelists and the Fox News personality.

Both women spoke about the screaming match and offered their own versions of what had happened.

“She stopped and put her finger in my face and yelled, ‘I’ve done more for victims than you ever will,'" Goldberg said on Friday's "The View." "Then I said to her some few choice words I cannot repeat."

Goldberg added that Pirro "did leave here cursing at the people who book the show," adding, "She cursed at the guys who do security for the show."

"She said, ‘f you, f you.’ I was like, ‘Whoopi, did you just say, 'f you?’ I mean, she was right here and she said, ‘Get the f out of this building,'" Pirro said on "Hannity" Thursday night. 

The backstage blow-up took place moments after the two high-powered women butted heads on the air as Goldberg became upset when Pirro, a fervent supporter of the president, accused her of having "Trump derangement syndrome."

The newly-coined term has been everywhere across the airwaves, heard on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and Sen. Rand Paul. 

Jimmy Kimmel joked about “Trump derangement syndrome” on his show Thursday night, saying, "Now I’ve never heard of ‘Trump derangement syndrome' — I’m not a doctor — but if it is a syndrome named after Donald Trump, I assume it’s sexually transmitted."

Meanwhile, Goldberg expressed regret for the episode with Pirro.

"I rarely get stirred up, but I got stirred up yesterday, and I did apologize for gettin' hot, I said it doesn't happen often, every 10 years it seems,” she said on “The View” Friday. 

Pirro, on the other hand, was still fuming, telling "Fox & Friends" Friday that Goldberg's behavior was "abuse."

"It was a sad moment," she added.

Pirro did say that a producer from "The View" called her to apologize.