
Why This Gym Owner Is Training Elderly and Disabled People for Free

Helping others has become a full-time job for Javeno Mclean. He trains on average 30 disabled people a week and sometimes trains nine to 10 people daily. But he says it’s worth it when he sees how far his clients have come. 

Since he was 16 years old, Javeno McLean has dedicated himself to training the elderly and people with disabilities. What sets the gym owner apart is that he does it for free. 

“I just set out to make my mom and dad proud,” McLean, of Manchester, England, tells Inside Edition Digital. “I was raised around love. I was blessed man to have good parents who love me.

“And when I see people who aren't receiving love, that's when I've got a problem with injustice," he continues. "When people are getting patronized and treated a certain way, I have to intervene. If I see somebody in a wheelchair, I put a little of happiness in that person's life.”

The 39-year-old says that no matter how popular he gets, he will never take a penny from anyone disabled or elderly.

“People need money to survive, but money's not my God,” he says. “If I want to help you from the purest part of my soul, there ain't no ATM. If I take money for that transaction, I'm helping you because I want financial gain. I’m helping you because I want to help you. So money, it doesn't come into the conversation.”

The people Javano has trained over the past two decades include those who have had strokes, Cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, multiple cancers, dementia and Parkinson's disease. 

“It's emotional, man. It gets heartbreaking,” he says. 

Helping others has become a full-time job for Javeno. He sees about 30 disabled people a week and sometimes trains nine to 10 people daily. But he says it’s worth it when he sees how far his clients have come. 

“I've seen miracles happen,” he says.

One client, Aimee, was at the 2017 Ariana Grande concert in Manchester that became the target of a terror attack. 

“She's got cerebral palsy. She was in a wheelchair, and she had a horrible time,” Javeno says. “She became a bit of a recluse and didn't want to be around because of what she went through. To see her now, she's so happy. She's so funny. Tells me that she loves me every day. I'm very proud of her.”

The main focus of his training is mental fortitude, as he says one's mindset is the most powerful tool they have. 

“Your mindset is what's going to shield you from hate, from negativity, from doubt, from questioning yourself like we all do as humans,” Javeno says. “When you've got that mindset, you can't be stopped. I don't give negativity or doubt a platform to grow.”

Javeno says even the smallest achievements mean the world when he trains people. And he takes pride in every moment. His followers do, too, as his direct messages on social media are full of people sharing how he’s inspired them. 

“I get messages and videos from people around the world who have said, ‘I've watched your video, and I'm going to do better today,’” Javeno says. 

Every day, Javeno is surprised people follow what he is doing on social media. And he doesn’t understand how he is a global influencer. 

“All I'm doing is treating humans the way humans should be treated,” he says. “I don't see what I'm doing as amazing. I just see what I'm doing as what most people should be doing. It's about normality. That's always been my mission, just to make people happy.”

Javeno has advice for anyone who is struggling. 

“You can't ever lose hope. You got to protect your heart,” he says. “If you lose hope, you're exposing that heart to more damage. There's good in everybody, and somebody will see it.

“If you are struggling because you feel that you are not being noticed or seen, there's somebody out there that will see you. Find that person," he continues. "That could change the whole dynamic of your life. Just keep looking, and please don't give up.”

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