
Woman Creates Funny 'Christmas Vacation' Photo Shoot With Newborns

Coffee Creek Studio

Amy Haehl cast two baby models for the occasion, and the results were priceless.

These babies sure know how to relax as they celebrate the holidays

Amy Haehl, the founder of Coffee Creek Studio, said she wanted to do the funny photo shoot because she loves the holidays, as well as the 1989 comedy "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation." So she recreated scenes from the film with adorable newborns.

She cast two baby models for the occasion, and the results were priceless. 

There was a baby smoking a cigar, and a baby hanging by the pool.

"I had so many ideas, it was hard to narrow it down to just three images," Haehl told "I love movies and newborn photography, so being able to create something that includes both is so fun and rewarding for me.”

There was even a photo of the babies sleeping soundly next to a burning Christmas tree. Haehl said she had husband, who is a firefighter, on set for safety.

Haehl, who lives in Indiana, posted the comedic photos to Facebook where they quickly went viral. 

“I think people love them because they mix the sweetness of a baby with the hilarious adult humor of this movie,” she said.