
NYPD Says It Found $14 Million Worth of Heroin Stashed Inside Monster Truck, Pickup

Authorities in New York discovered a massive amount of heroin in a surprise bust after they pulled over two vehicles from out of state.

Authorities say they discovered a monster load of heroin inside two vehicles in Queens, New York..

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Members of the NYPD, DEA and Drug Enforcement Task Force busted two men, one in a pickup and one in a monster truck, for carrying 48 kilograms (approximately 100 pounds) of heroin with a reported street value of $14 million, according to the special narcotics prosecutor for New York City.

Both trucks had North Carolina license plates and circled a block slowly several times, authorities say. Investigators were carrying out unrelated surveillance in the area when they say they noticed the two vehicles.

When authorities approached the vehicles with narcotic search dogs, they allegedly discovered the massive stash of heroin concealed within a car axle.

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The two men, both natives of Guatemala who live in North Carolina, were arrested.

They were both charged with conspiracy and possession of a controlled substance.

Watch: Two Drug Dealers Get High and Call 911 to Turn Themselves In