Cop Who Stepped In When Stadium Singer Was Running Late Now Joins Her For Incredible Duet

Sergeant Carlton Smith sang the national anthem when Leslie Dorchester got stuck in traffic. Now they're singing together.

A police officer became an overnight sensation when he stepped in with five minutes’ notice to perform the national anthem.

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Performer Leslie Dorchester got stuck in a snowstorm on her way to a college basketball game, where she was supposed to sing.

That’s when somebody remembered that Sergeant Carlton Smith had once competed on American Idol and had a great voice.

Smith stepped in for the performer, giving him the chance to shine.

“I saw your video, it was awesome,” Dorchester said to Sgt. Smith of his performance.

Sgt. Smith was invited back to perform the national anthem at the West Virginia University basketball game - but this time, he was singing with Dorchester.

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She was taking no chances for her do-over. With plenty of snow still on the ground, Dorchester left her home more than two hours before game time. And she only lives ten minutes from the arena!

“I’m excited. This is going to be really cool,” she told IE.

During rehearsals, they sounded amazing. It was hard to believe they had never sung together.

Sgt. Smith started singing, and Dorchester joined in. The harmonies were sweet, and the crowd gave them some love.

Backstage, they were heaped with praise. Maybe it was the start of a great new duo.

“We’d love to do it again!” said Sgt. Smith.

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