
16-Year-Old Warns of Slime-Making Dangers After She Was Sick for Weeks

"I didn't think it was harmful and they think the same," Jessica Moreland said.

A British teen is warning others of the dangers of homemade slime after she became sick for over a month. 

"I had headaches and I started to feel really sick," Jessica Moreland, 16, told SWNS. "I started becoming really, really ill. I had headaches and stomachaches and felt sick."

Jessica started making slime about six weeks ago after looking up recipes online and ordering the ingredients. Among them was borax, a chemical compound that can cause a host of medical issues, including irritation, diarrhea and vomiting.

"Everyone was doing it and I wanted to join in too," Jessica said. "I made loads. I was nearly making it every day."

At first, Jessica couldn't figure out what was wrong, so she went to the doctor, who asked her about her hobbies. When she mentioned the slime, the doctor explained the symptoms she was experiencing were likely caused by her excessive exposure to borax. 

"They said it is really, really high in toxic chemicals and it was making me really poorly," she said. "All the fumes were entering my body and it was making me poorly. After that I stopped making it."

Though she has since recovered, Jessica is now cautioning others to be careful when making their own slime.

"I'm worried about other kids," she said. "If kids are around it all the time, it could be really dangerous.

"I didn't think it was harmful and they think the same."