1,600 Baseball Cards Found Hidden Under Wallpaper When Idaho Homeowner Renovates Fixer Upper

Unfortunately, an appraiser says the cards are of little value. "I'm not sure I have the heart to rip them down," the homeowner says.

When Melissa Brodt purchased a fixer upper house in Boise, Idaho, for $324,000, she knew she had a lot of work to do. 

Renovations started immediately, and no room needed more work than a bedroom with an ugly green wall.

“I went in, got brave, said I’m gonna deal with whatever was underneath these,” Brodt said.

The first step was peeling off the faux tile wallpaper. The more she peeled, the more she revealed. Hidden behind the wall, she discovered a giant collection of baseball cards.

There were a whopping 1,600 cards in total. 

Brodt found out that the collection belonged to Chris Nelson, who grew up in the house and had plastered the cards to his bedroom wall 30 years ago.

“I could see his childhood happening in this bedroom,” Brodt said. 

According to memorabilia appraiser Leila Dunbar, the collection is unfortunately of little value. She says cards from the 1980s were mass produced, and the fact that they were glued to a wall doesn’t help either.

“Here's the way I look at it. It's a piece of art,” Dunbar said. 

Brodt says she may just cover up the wall, and maybe those cards will be found again in another 30 years.  

"I'm not sure I have the heart to rip them down," Brodt said.

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