A recently released transcript reveals why Judge Aaron Persky believes Brock Turner deserved six months in jail rather than six years.
The public is reading for the first time exactly why the judge in the Stanford sexual assault case believes Brock Turner deserved just six months in jail rather than the six years recommended by prosecutors.
In transcripts from a June 2 sentencing hearing obtained CBS News, Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky says he believed Turner's interpretation of the events that nonetheless led to his March conviction.
"I mean, I take him at his word that, subjectively, that's his version of events," Persky said. "The jury, obviously, found it not to be the sequence of events."
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The release of the transcripts follows a public outcry in response to Persky's decision to sentence Turner to six months in jail rather than the six years that prosecutor Alaleh Kianerci recommended.
While the defendant believes his lie, this court shouldn't, because 12 jurors didn't," Kianerci said.
In the transcripts, Persky also calls Turner's legal intoxication "mitigating" when attempting to "assess moral culpability."
"There is less moral culpability attached to the defendant who is legally intoxicated," the judge told the court.
Prosecutor Alaleh Kianerci again disagreed. "I don't agree with the court's description that this case is less serious because there was alcohol involved," he said.
Watch: Outrage Grows Over Six-Month Sentence For Stanford Sex Assault Case
Since handing down the sentece, Persky has faced intense scrutiny from critics who now question his fitness for the bench.
On Tuesday, Persky was blocked from presiding over another sexual assault case by a district attorney who
That attorney, Santa Clara County DA Jeff Rosen, said he lacks confidence that Persky could "fairly participate" in such a trial.
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