Nun and Games: 'Sisters' Drink Beer, Take Selfies and Dance at Baseball Game

Fans thought they were seeing a sign from above as a few nuns took their seats at a Philadelphia Phillies game.

Fans thought they were seeing a sign from above as a few nuns took their seats at a Philadelphia Phillies game drinking beer, snapping selfies and dancing in their seats.

But it wasn’t divine intervention — it was a group of actresses playing nuns in the local stage production of Sister Act.

The production, currently happening at the Walnut Street Theater in Philadelphia, was asked by the team to come down to Citizens Bank Park to promote the show. A clever tactic was installed when the actresses went on Monday, their day off, and arrived during the 5th inning dressed in habits.

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Laura Giknis, who plays Sister Mary Robert, told “We started off really demure then got rowdier and rowdier.”

Giknis admitted that she was “oddly nervous” in her seat. Some fans at the ballpark wanted to take selfies with the “nuns,” believing they were the real deal.

It was a hot summer afternoon and the women could only spend a few innings in the black habits.

“We would have baked completely if we were out there the whole time,” Giknis admitted.

As they sat in their seats, they drank beer and pretended to not know about baseball, however, did their best to not distract spectators from the game against the Arizona Diamondbacks.

By the time of the 7th Inning Stretch, the "nuns" were approached by the team mascot, the Phanatic, to dance on top of the dugout.

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The "nuns" did their best to bust a few smooth moves.

At the top of the 8th inning, the nuns went back inside to cool off, only to return as regular spectators. 

“It was such a great experience,” Giknis said. “It is so funny. It is incredible. It is great exposure for the show and for the Walnut.”

The story of the drinking and dancing nuns has gotten out of the ballpark and into the eyes of fans around the country, becoming a popular story on social media.

“It is so cool how fast something can get picked up,” she said.

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