
Baby Koala Named Alfred is Found Inside Woman's Bag After She's Arrested

A woman who was arrested on "outstanding matters" was asked if she had anything to declare. That's when she pulled the koala out of her bag.

This arrest was anything but routine when officers discovered a woman had a koala with her as she was booked.

Read: Things That Go Jump in The Night: Woman Shocked as She Finds Kangaroo on Indiana Property

When a 50-year-old woman in Australia was arrested recently on "outstanding matters," cops asked if she had anything to declare, according to a police report.

That's when she handed over a green canvas bag with a baby koala peeking out.

She told Queensland police she found the baby marsupial on the side of the road, and wanted to take care of it.

The koala, later named Alfred, was determined to be about six months old, and weighed about 3 pounds.

According to the police report, koalas are protected under the nature conservation act, and are not supposed to be handled if found left alone.

"Often, the animal may have no obvious signs of injury, but it can have internal injuries that need immediate attention," an animal rescue spokesperson said.

Read: Put Me in, Coach: Curious Koala Runs Onto Soccer Field, Interrupting Match

Luckily, the rescue, who arrived to the police station to care for the baby koala, reported he was a little dehydrated but otherwise in good shape. 

"He's been on fluids, but is doing well and will shortly be going out to a carer," the spokesperson said.

Watch: Bowie, the Koala With One Blue Eye and One Brown Eye, Released Back Into the Wild