2 of Egypt's Oldest Pyramids Are Back Open to the Public

Sneferu’s Bent Pyramid and the Red Pyramid are considered to be some of the earliest constructed pyramids.

Mystery continues to surround the pyramids and their construction, but now visitors can check out what’s inside two of them.

For the first time since 1965, Egypt is opening two of its oldest pyramids to the public.

Sneferu’s Bent Pyramid and the Red Pyramid, located in the Dahshur necropolis area about 25 miles south of Cairo, are considered to be some of the earliest pyramids.

Recent excavations uncovered stone, clay and wooden sarcophagi, several of which contained mummies. Archaeologists also found wooden funerary masks and ancient tools dating to the Late Period, between 664 and 332 B.C.

The announcement was made during a ceremony in Giza on Saturday, which was attended by local officials and foreign diplomats.

Egypt hopes the new discoveries and tourist attractions will restart tourism, which took a plunge following political turmoil in the region in 2011.