2 Fisherman in Australia Rescue Naked Fugitive From Crocodile Infested Waters

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Cam Faust and Kev Joiner were in the process of setting crab traps from their dinghy on Sunday in mangroves on the outskirts of the northern city of Darwin when they heard 40-year-old Luke Voskresensky's pleas for help, CBS News reported. 

Two fishermen in Australia made an unbelievable catch when they rescued a naked man hanging off the branches of a mangrove tree and over a body of water that was infested with giant crocodiles, according to a report. What they did not know was that the man they helped was an alleged fugitive on the run.

Cam Faust and Kev Joiner were in the process of setting crab traps from their dinghy on Sunday in mangroves on the outskirts of the northern city of Darwin when they heard 40-year-old Luke Voskresensky's pleas for help, CBS News reported

The man, who had been covered in mud, insect bites, cuts and bruises, told the fisherman that he had been out in the wilderness for four days and survived by eating snails. He said he used his clothes for “bits and pieces over the way,” CBS reported. After hearing his woes, the fisherman said they were baffled by the stranger's nudity, but seemed impressed by his survival skills. 

"He had a nest made up in the tree, and he was only laying a meter (39 inches) above the water and there were crocs in the water so he has done well to survive,” Faust said, reported CBS.

Faust told the BBC that they were skeptical at first inviting him on the boat, but realized he was in a “bad way,” and decided to help him, The New York Post reported.

Once they got him on the boat, he was greeted with a cold beer and pair of shorts Faust originally had on, Aussie 9News reported.

“I wasn’t wearing any undies so I couldn’t give him mine,” said Joiner jokingly.

After the crew were back at shore and an ambulance was called, Cam and Joiner learned additional details of the story that Voskresensky appeared to have left out; Voskresensky, who had been charged with armed robbery, multiple aggravated assaults, deprivation of liberty and stealing, had been free on bail, police said. He allegedly cut off his electronic monitoring device last week and attempted to dodge police, CBS reported.

Once the fishermen heard the updated story, they decided they wouldn’t make that hospital visit to see Voskresensky, after all. 

“I don’t think we’ll ever catch [anything] like that again,” Joiner told Aussie 9News.

Voskresensky faces new charges of breaching bail and aggravated assault. He was excused from his Tuesday court date due to his hospitalization. His next court appearance is scheduled for Feb. 9, court official Xavier La Canna said, the news outlet reported.